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HomeBABY PRODUCTSThe Best Choices for Organic Baby Formula

The Best Choices for Organic Baby Formula

If you must feed your baby formula, then you want the best that you can get. This formula should contain all of the nutrients your baby needs to grow and it should also be very easy on the baby’s tummy.

Organic baby formula options are many. These are formulas that have been made with organic products, which also means that they do not contain any added substances that could potentially cause an allergic reaction.

In this review, we tell you about some of the best choices for organic baby formula. Please note that pediatricians often recommend different formulas for different issues your baby may face so you should consult with them about your choice.

The Best Choices for Organic Baby Formula

Here Are the Best Options for Organic Baby Formula

Similac Pro-Advance Non-GMO Infant Formula

This is designed with only the most premium ingredients. The milk will deliver immune system support and encourage cells to release some protective proteins that are comparable to natural breast milk.

Similac is created with absolutely zero artificial growth hormones. According to reviews, parents have been reporting a reduction in crying, fussiness, spit-up, and gassiness just after one day of using this baby formula. Find it here

Plum Organics Grow Well Organic Infant Formula

The Plum Organics Grow Well infant formula has been certified as safe for both infants as well as toddlers. This is unlike a lot of other products in the market.

It simply means that once you start giving it to your infant, you can keep going even after they have become toddlers without having to change the brand.

This is a product that has been trusted by many clients, and it contains lactose instead of other artificial sweeteners. It is certified as safe for kids, and usually, you received it in a square container that does not get beat up in the process of delivery.

The ingredients include DHA, Soy oil, soy lecithin, palm oil, and synthetic nutrients.

Earth’s Best Organic Infant Powder Formula with Iron

The Earth’s Best Organic Infant Formula previously contained corn syrup, but the brand has since revisited its ingredients and has come up with a much better solution for the long-term health of your precious baby.

It contains lactose which is an excellent source for the desired sweetness, plus all the necessary carbohydrate. The milk is sourced from cows that are grass-fed. 

Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula

Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula is a product that claims to be modeled after breast milk, and hence makes the formula one of the easiest transitions from natural breastfeeding.

They created the formula, and that is why it resembles it in many ways, such as the kind of prebiotics it contains. The formula is also designed to provide the most adequate nutrition from birth up to the age of one year.

Additionally, the formula is certified as organic by the USDA, and the handy square contains packaging that is easy to pack and store.

Some of the ingredients you will find in the milk are a little controversial, but it all depends on what you consider safe for your baby. Here are some of them.

  • Milk that has been sourced from other organic farms.
  • Prebiotics that have been delivered in the right concentration to provide a supreme diet.
  • ARA and DHA that can help in your baby’s development. The value of the ARA and DHA has however been under debate from the industry insiders.

Baby’s Only Dairy with DHA Toddler Formula

The Baby’s Only Dairy with DHA formula has high honors and is classified as “Best in Class.” This is due to its purity and nutritional superiority from the

This is an applaudable rating considering that the Clean Labe Project usually tests more than 500 baby formulas and foods. It is also a non-GMO formula that has been certified USDA organic.

Even though the formula has got some of the products that are considered controversial such as the DHA, it is non-hexane processed, which more than makes it super safe for the parents.

The Best Choices for Organic Baby Formula


Organic formula options definitely do sound better than regular ones, but you should still check the ingredients list to see what exactly is in your formula.


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